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Why does my dog “shake it off?”

Shih Tzu with long hair shaking it off at doggy day care

A natural blow-dry

Many of us have seen our dogs shake it off when wet. Science suggests that a wet dog can actually shake off 70% of the water on their fur coat in just seconds.

But a wet dog isn’t the only reason why a dog will shake it off. There are in fact many other reasons as to why your dog might do this…


Shaking off the stress

Dogs, like us, have emotions and sometimes find things stressful and overwhelming. 

The “dry shake off” is your dog’s response to dealing with stress, it could be from a doggy interaction that they found stressful or even a human interaction.

It can also be when they have processed a smell or a sight or sound they have heard.

It’s what we like to call a little reset button, allowing them to move on to the next interaction.



After a serious case of the zoomies or playtime with friends you might notice your dog shaking off the extra excitement.

It’s their way of releasing that energy and calming down before moving onto the next situation.


Post snooze shake off

You might have seen your dog shake it off when they stand up after a snooze, usually followed by a big stretch!

Your dog does this to get those muscles moving again and get their body ready for some tail wagging fun.

Read more about Dog Behaviour.
