Doggy day care that puts an extra Spring in their step! Enrol your dog today!
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What is Doggy
Day Care?

What is doggy day care? You won’t be alone when questioning this phenomenon. However, understanding what doggy day care is, the benefits of it and what to look for in a provider, can help you make an informed decision whether it is right for you. As a UK leading provider of doggy day care services, we have the expertise and experience needed to provide you with helpful advice.

Bruce’s doggy day care team member sat in the back of our unique vans with a dog under their arm

What is doggy day care?

Doggy day care is exactly as it suggests, daytime care for your dogs, just like a school or nursery.

The centres which provide this service offer facilities, whose hours typically reflect the average working day. Meaning you can be reassured your dog is being well looked after while you are at work or away for the day. Depending on the individual centre’s structure, owners can often drop their dogs off at day care, or they can be picked up from your home.

At Bruce’s doggy day care facilities we provide the option of home collection or drop off services to best suit your needs. If opting for home collection when putting your dog in day care, we have custom designed doggy buses in order for your pooch to travel safely and in style. 

Our Dog Bus

a secure field with dogs let off the lead, playing chase

What happens at doggy day care?

Once you’ve understood the concept of what doggy day care is, you may wonder what your dog may get up to whilst at the facility.

Whether it’s keeping your dog entertained through playtime, midday snoozes or socialising you dog with friends, we go the extra mile to ensure your dog has the best experience while at doggy day care. 

Activities your dog will experience at day care at Bruce’s includes:

  • Weekly dog enrichment activities 
  • Scavenger hunts and Hide & Treat games – scent games help the dogs use their canine senses to sniff out new smells across the centre.
  • Themed events – for example at Christmas they’re invited to Bruce’s Winter Wonderland or at Easter we host the Big Easter Egg Hunt! 

To prepare you for your dog’s first day at day care, read our guide on what to expect.

Bruce’s doggy day care team member playing with two golden retrievers

What are the benefits of doggy day care?

The benefits of doggy day care include:

  • Providing your dog with social interactions they may not have experienced while at home.
  • Letting them exercise in a safe and secure environment, keeping them healthy, happy and fulfilled. 
  • Helping, younger or more spirited dogs burn off excess energy during the day.

By providing day care for your dogs, you can help enrich their days with new experiences and interactions they may have missed out on otherwise. Starting them young is also beneficial, which is why we have our Puppy Preschool dedicated to nurturing development and providing a safe and fun environment for puppies to prepare for the wider world.

If you’re still unsure whether doggy day care is right for you, follow our helpful tips on what to look for in a provider and how Bruce’s are doggy day care with a difference.

Bruce’s team member sat on the floor outside, playing with two dogs

What to look for in a doggy day care provider

So you’ve learnt what doggy dare care is, the benefits your pup can receive from attending, all that’s left is deciding on a centre to attend.

 Our top four tips to picking the perfect centre to send your dog to day care include:

  1. Checking out the doggy day care location – just like a child’s nursery, you wouldn’t send them without first looking around the facilities.
  2. Ask questions – have confidence to ask questions to not only the senior staff, but also the daily carers. After all, you want to ensure it’s the right fit for both of you.
  3. Be prepared to commit – providing your dog a routine for day care can be valuable. Which is why once you have decided on a centre, be prepared to commit to enrolling your dog once a week.
  4. Understand the effect of pick up and drop off times – travel time needs to be considered when booking day care for your dog. If your dog is being picked up and returned during peak traffic times, then they may experience longer journeys to and from the centre’s. Therefore, look out for earlier starts and make sure they use dog-friendly air-conditioned vehicles with vet-approved crates. 
Bruce’s team member using the agility course outside with three dogs

Is Bruce’s Doggy Day Care right for my dog?

At Bruce’s we pride ourselves on providing a doggy day care environment where dogs can have the best day ever, building friendships, enjoying enrichment activities and growing in confidence.

It is important that all dogs at Bruce’s are suited to our doggy day care so that they, and their furry friends, can enjoy the best day care experience. This is why we unfortunately can’t accept all dogs. Our day care doesn’t suit everyone, some dog breeds and some individual dogs can find our day care environment over stimulating. This includes dogs who have not been neutered and females in season.

Our ‘Is Bruce’s right for me?’ approach ensures that the dogs in our care will thrive and play happily in the Bruce’s doggy day care environment. If you are considering using a dog walker take a look at our dog walker vs doggy day care comparision to help you make the right choice.

If you have any questions, please get in touch and our team will be happy to chat about our enrolment process and day care environment with you.


Doggy day care with a difference

With over 14 years of experience under our collars and a team of dog experts, Bruce’s continue to strive to learn about dogs and what makes them happy.

We unleash happiness and enrich the lives of dogs (and their families) with our magical combination of passionate expertise and social fulfilment.

Read about how our doggy day care enrolment process is nice and simple. Your doggy day care journey is just a few clicks away!

Discover today what local doggy day care services are available in your area!
