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The importance of Doggy Downtime

Sleeping puppy in luxury doggy bed

Why downtime is important…

Sleep is an important part of any dog’s day.

The benefits of sleep for dogs include:

  • Allows your dog to process information that they’ve experienced that day
  • Improves focus, brain development, memory and learning capacity
  • Promotes health and physical well-being
  • Relieves boredom
  • Encourages good behaviour
Labrador sleeping on their doggy bed

How much downtime does my dog need?

Every dog is different and the amount of downtime your dog needs depends on their age, size, personality and activity levels.

In general, adult dogs sleep 12-14 hours per day when in a normal home environment. Puppies sleep even longer needing as much as 18-20 hours per day.

Did you know a 15 minute nap for a dog can equate to the same level of sleep a human would get from a 90 minute nap.


Group downtime at Bruce’s

Group downtime is something that needs to play a part in any day care.

Allowing our dogs to reset from the stimulating day care environment gives them the opportunity to process their experiences at Bruce’s.

Physical rest whilst at day care lets their brain relax and encourages bonds to be formed between other dogs and the carers who are looking after them.

We have plenty of warm and comfy indoor spaces for them to cuddle up and get cozy.

Dachshund enjoying a doggy snuffle mat

What if my dog struggles with downtime?

Some dogs can struggle when it comes to downtime.

At home, using your dog’s crate or an area where your dog considers a safe spot is a good start. When your dog is calm, reward them for their good behaviour using high value treats that you know they really like.

Interactive feeders like puzzles, licki mats or snuffle mats are all good tools for dogs that struggle to rest. It allows them to switch their brain onto doing something that is both relaxing and enjoyable.
