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Puppy Socialisation Checklist

Our puppy socialisation checklist is aimed at helping you to you socialise your new puppy in every way possible.

New sights and sounds can be scary to a young dog but by regularly socialising them you can help your puppy learn confidence and resilience. 

Happy brown puppy

Dog social skills are one of the most important life skills you can teach your dog, and this should start from the first day you pick them up. Daily socialisation with your dog will lead to a fully integrated member of your family who can come with you wherever you go!

Puppy looking over a fence

How To Promote Positive Experiences For Puppies

Every time you take your dog out to socialise, it is important to make every encounter a positive one.

These early experiences are the foundations of who they will become, so by showing them that new experiences are fun, they will become more comfortable with the world around them. 

Remember, if you see that your dog is becoming scared or worried it is important to react straight away. Remove them from the environment. Give them plenty of positive reinforcement and distract them with treats or toys. As soon as they have regained their confidence, you can always try again but there is no need to push if they are not ready.

Every dog learns at their own pace so understanding your dog’s behaviour and body language will help you to know when they have had enough. This is a great skill for any dog owner to learn.

Dog curled up in a blanket keeping cosy from fireworks

Introductions To People, Sounds & Places

We have broken down our puppy socialisation checklist into 8 different areas of socialisation.

These 8 areas cover a whole range of topics, from the variety of people that they see to sounds and places to introduce your puppy to. The more you will do, the more you will get out of it.

1 – Different Types of People

Your dog will see many different people in its lifetime. To make sure that they are happy and friendly towards everyone they meet, it is important you socialise them with a wide variety of people.

Everyday sounds in the home can be quite scary to a puppy who has never heard them before…especially the loud ones. To stop them from becoming anxious and fearful, it is helpful to introduce them to each of the below sounds regularly. This can help with unwanted behaviour like excessive barking later on down the line.

Socialising with your dog should be a fun part of the day where you can explore different environments together and get some well-needed exercise. Make a plan of where to go to expose your new fluffy friend to all different types of sounds, smells and scenery. Below are some ideas:

Puppies are inquisitive little things and will probably want to say hello to every animal they meet! Ensure that this is always done in a safe way and that your dog is given plenty of praise and encouragement. It can be done in the home with friends and family pets as well as out on walks in the country.

Dogs can become sensitive when walking on unfamiliar surfaces, especially ones that move or make noise. Making an effort to introduce your puppy to all different surfaces and textures while making the interaction fun will create less stressful walks in the future for them and for you.

What people wear and use can completely change the way a dog sees a person. These small things may not seem like much to us, but to your dog it is something that they do not understand and therefore could be quite scary. Getting used to seeing people wearing items like the ones listed below can help to get them accustomed.

People in uniform are often there to help us but if your pup has not seen them before they may not understand and may become fearful if they are approached. Not ideal, especially in an emergency situation. If you see any of the below people out on your walks try and say hello to them and let your dog have a good sniff. 

The world is a busy place, with motor vehicles of all shapes and sizes on our roads. The sheer size and noise of some of these could make your dog bolt if scared. In other dogs, it may cause them to bark or even want to chase them. By walking your new puppy near the road in a safe way at an early age you are helping to deter these unwanted behaviours in their adolescence.

French bulldog enjoying cuddles on the sofa with their dog owner during firework night

Handling & Touching Your Puppy

We also want to discuss getting your dog used to touch.

Whether you have a large labrador or a smaller shih tzu your dog needs to get used to being manhandled. It’s important not only for bonding with owners, but also for getting your pup ready for trips to the vets or dog groomers

Below is a list of key areas to handle. By doing this regularly your dog will understand this is normal behaviour and should not have an issue with professionals later in life.

  • Inside / Outside of their ears
  • Teeth & Gums
  • Paws & Nails
  • Lifting their tail
  • Feeling their stomach
  • Holding their tail
  • Holding by their collar
  • Being hugged
  • Being brushed
  • Brushing their teeth
  • Rubbing with a towel

Consider printing out the above checklist. You can then make a socialisation plan and tick them off as you go. The more often you do it, the more well-rounded your dog will become.

Group of dogs in a field

Choose Bruce’s To Help

At Bruce’s we have a dedicated puppy day care to help you on your new journey of becoming a dog owner.

Here your puppy will come into contact with a wide variety of dogs and people. Our expert carers are always on hand to make sure your dog builds its confidence in a secure and safe environment.

Each day they will take part in a variety of enrichment activities, both indoors and outdoors – allowing them to explore new sights, sounds and smells.

We are here to make sure your dog is happy and healthy and leaves us each day wagging its tail!


Bruce’s Doggy Day Care Difference

With 15 years of experience under our collars, Bruce’s continue to strive to continuously learn about dogs and what makes them happy.

Not only do we have puppy and doggy day care, we offer puppy training and dog grooming too. Meaning your pooch can look and feel good all while having fun and socialising with their friends at day care.

Find out more about our doggy day care enrolment process and discover what local doggy day care services are available in your area.
