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#DogFriendlyDining – The Jolly Farmer

Welcome to the first of our blogs reviewing local eateries that embrace dogs as well as humans.

Jack russell on lead smiling at the camera

After a busy week at work for you (and day care for your dog), there’s nothing better than an weekend walk together, followed by something delicious to eat and drink. But finding pubs and cafes that allow our four-legged friends can be a challenge.

Bruce’s #DogFriendlyDining hopes to solve that, with honest feedback from genuine dog lovers about where to go and why!

Beagle dog running through the fields

The Jolly Farmer

We’re starting with historic country pub, The Jolly Farmer. Located in the village of Worplesdon near Guildford in Surrey serving traditional food and fine cask ales.

As the name suggests, it’s set in beautiful dog walking countryside: “Our agricultural name nods gently to the rurality of our location – we’re in amongst some of Surrey’s greenest most pleasant land.”

So, before indulging your taste buds, a bracing walk to work up an appetite and exhaust your hound is called for. Straight from the pub car park, you’re onto Whitmoor Common: a stunning open heathland area with a mix of woodland and sandy tracks. Whitmoor Common is a Surrey Wildlife Trust managed nature reserve, with a vast array of wildlife including a large pond attracting dragonflies.

Retriever enjoying their doggy dinner after doggy day care

A few miles later and you’re back at The Jolly Farmer relaxing in the pub garden where there’s plenty of outdoor seating. Dog bowls with water are also freely available and several staff members will happily coo over your pooch. And if it’s chilly, there’s lots of tables and chairs in the bar area with an open fire in winter. They even welcome muddy boots!

Renowned for their top quality, locally sourced fresh food, including meat from a nearby butcher, there’s an extensive menu. For lunch, choose from quirky sandwiches such as steak and onion or beer battered cod finger. And for dinner, if you’re famished, a 10oz rump steak with triple-cooked chips!

For hungry humans and worn out hounds, The Jolly Farmer is well worth a visit. And with a TripAdvisor award for excellence, it’s clear others agree too.
